How To Add Thickness To Thinning Hair?

Young woman shows her gray hair roots


Thinning hair is a common problem for many men and women. A person’s confidence is affected when they start to notice their hair becoming thinner, and they may feel like they need to do something about it. Luckily, there are a few different treatment options that can help you to add thickness back to your thinning hair.

Causes of thinning hair

There are a number of factors that can contribute to thinning hair, including these five:

1. Genetics

If your family has a history of thinning hair or hair loss, you are more likely to experience it as well. This is because certain genes can affect the health and strength of your hair follicles, making them more susceptible to damage over time.

2. Hormonal changes

Changes in hormone levels, especially those associated with menopause and pregnancy, can cause hair to stop growing or fall out. This is because these changes can affect the function of your hair follicles.

3. Medications

Certain medications that are taken on a regular basis can contribute to thinning hair, as they may disrupt your hormonal balance or impact other important functions in the body. Talk to your doctor to learn more about whether any of your medications could be causing this problem.

4. Poor nutrition

Your diet can play a key role in the health and strength of your hair. If you are not getting enough nutrients from your food, it might be affecting the growth and thickness of your hair over time. Make sure to eat a balanced and healthy diet that includes plenty of protein, iron, and vitamin B to promote hair growth.

5. Excessive styling

If you are frequently using heat styling tools or chemical treatments on your hair, it may be more prone to thinning over time. Switching to gentler methods like air drying or using less harsh products can help to reduce this damage.

Adding thickness to thinning hair

If you are concerned about thinning hair, there are a number of treatment options that can help, including these 6.

1.Scalp micropigmentation

One of the most effective includes scalp micropigmentation which is offered by SMP Sydney experts. 

2. Minoxidil

Minoxidil is a topical treatment that can be applied to the scalp in order to increase hair growth and make your hair appear thicker. This solution needs to be used regularly, typically twice a day, in order for it to be effective. This method offers a number of benefits that include being free of any side effects and being easy to use.

3. Hair transplants

Hair transplants involve removing individual hair follicles from a donor area on the scalp, such as the back or sides, and transplanting them into the thinning areas. This procedure allows you to get natural-looking results that can help fill in any gaps in hair growth. While this treatment option is more invasive than others, it can provide long-lasting results.

4. Hair fibers

Hair fibers are a popular product that uses natural keratin to create the appearance of thicker, fuller hair. 

5. Laser therapy

Laser therapy uses light energy to stimulate the growth of hair follicles in areas where hair has thinned or fallen out. During this procedure, a mild current passes through the scalp, causing the hair to become thicker and stronger over time. While this treatment option is generally safe, it may cause some side effects, such as skin irritation or extreme sensitivity.

6. Oral supplements

 These nutrients include biotin, silica, and essential fatty acids that can help to improve your overall hair health. Talk to your doctor about the best supplements for you and how much you should be taking on a daily basis in order to achieve optimal results. With the right treatment plan, you can get thicker and healthier hair that looks great no matter what styles or trends come along!

How safe and effective is SMP treatment for thinning hair?

Scalp micropigmentation, or SMP, is a relatively new treatment option that has shown great promise for individuals who are experiencing thinning hair. This procedure involves the careful placement of tiny pigments in the scalp to create a natural-looking hairline and fill in sparse areas of hair loss. 

How much does adding thickness to thinning hair cost?

The cost of SMP treatment can vary depending on a number of factors, including the extent of your hair loss and the area where you live. SMP experts such as those at SMP Sydney typically offer a range of treatment options to suit different budgets, so it is important to speak with your provider about your specific needs and goals in order to find the best solution for you. Generally, SMP treatment can cost anywhere from several hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the extent of your hair loss and other factors.

Are there any side effects associated with SMP treatment?

Like any medical procedure, SMP does come with a few potential side effects that may occur in some patients. These can include localized redness, swelling, and sensitivity in the scalp for up to a week after treatment; however, these effects are usually mild and will typically subside on their own without any special treatment.


If you are experiencing thinning hair, SMP treatment may be the right solution for you.  SMP is generally safe and effective, with many patients reporting excellent results after undergoing treatment. To learn more about SMP and find out if it is right for you, talk to your SMP provider today.

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