How Can I Tell If I Should Have Covid-19 Tested?

How Can I Tell If I Should Have Covid-19 Tested?

While you wait for your results, or if you experience COVID-19 symptoms, you should not be exposed. Below is additional information on when you should undergo COVID-19 testing.

It is a good idea for anyone who has Covid-19 symptoms or was recently exposed to the virus to have it tested.

The CDC recommends that vaccine recipients wait five days following their last contact with a COVID-19 carrier before testing. Day 0 refers to the date of your first contact with a COVID-19 provider. You won’t be able to tell if your infection has occurred before day 5. During the five-day period, avoid any contact with anyone else, including your family. Make sure that your mask is well-fitted if you are required to be near other people. Continue wearing the mask until you have a positive test.

Experts in the field warn that COVID-19 testing doesn’t reveal your current status. Although you may have been exposed to the viral within the hours before the COVID-19 test, it is unlikely that you have reached the virus level that the COVID-19 test can detect. If you are positive, please follow the isolation guidelines.


If you feel unwell, a COVID-19 test may be recommended. You might experience symptoms like fever, headaches, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle pains, loss of taste or smell, and muscle or body aches.

Even if you have mild symptoms, it’s important to get checked. COVID-19 can cause mild symptoms in some people. You should not work or send your children to daycare until you know your results.


If you suspect that you have been in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, you should get tested. Even if you have no symptoms, it is possible that the person will pass it on to you. You could be at risk if you have friends, family members, or coworkers.

You should never wear your mask in public or with others. If you experience any of the following symptoms or if you were present at a demonstration, seek medical attention. Coronavirus continues to spread in the area. It will probably get worse as people return from work, shopping, or other social activities.

You can wear a mask if you’re out in public. Wash your hands often. If symptoms persist, contact your doctor immediately.

You should not get tested simply because you are curious. Coronavirus can be confirmed or denied by negative testing results. Rarely, people will test negative for the virus. False-negative results are also known as false-negative results. You should always keep a mask around your home. This will protect you and your family.

After Exposition

It may take several days for your virus to build up enough to enable the test to detect it. If you wait too long to have your test done, false-negative results can be possible. You are still contagious even at this stage. It is important to immediately call your doctor and get isolated. After you have told them the date that you believe exposed you will be arranged for a time. Please remain at home until you receive your results. It is a good idea to keep your family members from working during this period. Your doctor may also grant you a work exemption. If you live in a shared apartment, you should wear a mask.

If you’re positive for the infection, you should notify all people with whom you have had contact in the past two weeks. You may have passed the disease on to someone else. This prevents the spread of the disease. It is important to inform your friends and colleagues that they limit contact with others outside of their homes.


Positive test results do not necessarily mean you should be tested again. A second test will not give you any useful information. The second test does not tell you if your immune system is strong enough to fight the coronavirus. Positive test results can persist for many weeks, even if symptoms have subsided. Your employer or child’s daycare should not require you to take a test to prove that your symptoms have subsided. For more information, please contact your doctor if they insist. Your healthcare provider can give you the best advice regarding COVID-19 testing.

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